
data science
Tidymodels is a collection of packages for machine learning. It is part of the tidyverse.

load packages:


Rsample (sampling & splitting)

training- & test-split
data_split <- initial_split(dataset, prop=0.75, strata=target_col)
training_set <- data_split %>% training()
testing_set <- data_split %>% testing()

strata generates a stratified split with approximately the same fraction of each target class.

Recipes (feature enigneering)

Parsnip (model fitting)

General model formula
outcome_variable ~ predictor_1 + predictor_2 + ... 
outcome_variable ~ . # to use all available predictors
Create model object
model <- linear_reg() %>%
set_engine('lm') %>% 
Fit the model
model_fit <- model %>% 
fit(target_col ~ ., data=train_set)
Get model summary
Returns parameter estimates, std.errors & p-values
Predict on new values
predictions <- model_fit %>%
predict(new_data = test_set)

Tune & Dials (hyper-)parameter optimization)

Yardstick (performance evaluation)

Requires a tibble/datset with the true and predicted outcomes.

predictions %>%
    rmse(truth = label_col, estimate = .pred) # .pred is the standard name of the prediction col
Regression quality metrics
R squared prediction_set %>% rsq(truth = ..., estimate = ...)
Root mean squared error ... rmse()
Classification quality metrics
accuracy prediction_set %>% accuracy(truth = ..., estimate = ...)
balanced accuracy ... bal_accuracy()
precision ... precision()
recall ... recall()
sensitivity ... sensitivity()
specificity ... specificity()
area under the curve ... roc_auc()

More metrics here.

Streamlined approach
# Fit model:
model_last_fit <- model %>% 
last_fit(target_col ~ ., 
    split = data_split)
# Return standard quality metrics:
model_last_fit %>%
# Return tibble with predictions and true target values:
model_last_fit %>% 