R basics
Using R
In console :
Use R in console / terminal:
Type your code
Quit R in console:
- Run R scripts from console/terminal
In console / terminal:
Rscript myScript.R
Get help with functions and features | |
Help section on function | ?functionName |
Find functions / features matching a term | ??TermOfInterest |
List arguments that the function accepts | args(functionName) |
File system, Import, Input, Output
Use file system | |
print working directory | getwd() |
Change working directory | setwd("path/to/dir") |
List files in working directory | dir() |
Create directory | dir.create("path/to/dir", recursive=TRUE) |
Create file | file.create("myfile.R") |
Check if file exists | file.exists("myfile.R") |
Get info on file (size, time of creation) | file.info("mytest.R") |
Rename file | file.rename("mytest.R", "mytest2.R") |
Copy file | file.copy("mytest2.R", "mytest3.R") |
Construct file path from directory list | file.path("folder", "subfolder", "file") # "folder/subfolder/file |
- Importing other scripts
Executes the contents of the script.
- Send all standard output to a file
- Print to standard output
print("my Output")
Operations, numbers, vectors, matrices
Assign values to a variable | |
Assign value to variable | x <- 4.5 |
Assign to multiple variables | x <- y <- z <- 4.5 |
Assign/change value of variable in global scope | x <<- "global value" |
- Create a vector
<- c(10, 4.5, 12, 5) x
Warning!: If you integrate vectors in your vector (
c(10, c(11, 12), 13)
) it will get flattened (likec(10, 11, 12, 13)
). - Element-wise adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying, … vectors
<- c(1, 2) x <- c(10, 11, 12, 13) y <- x + y z
WarningYou can make element-wise operations with vectors of different lengths, as long as the longer one is a multiple of the shorter one. The shorter vector is repeated. 😧
Common operators on vectors | |
maximum, minimum | max(x) min(x) |
Vector of min and max | range(x) |
Number of elements | length(x) |
Sum of the elements | sum(x) |
Product of the elements | prod(x) |
Mean of the elements | mean(x) |
Variance of the elements | var(x) |
Sort elements ascending | sort(x) |
Matrix multiplication | mat1 %*% mat2 |
Dimension of matrix | dim(mat1) |
Number of rows | nrow(mat1) |
Number of cols | ncol(mat2) |
mode (highest count of val) | names(sort(-table(df$col1)))[1] |
Percentile | quantile(df$col1, c(0.75)) |
!: If x is a n-by-p matrix, then var(x)
will return a p-by-p covariance matrix.
- Generate sequences
<- c(1:10) # Integers from 1 to 10 x # Or <- seq(1,10, 0.5) # 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, ... x
c(10, 1)
generates a descending sequence.
Repeat vector:
<- c(1,2,3)
x <- rep(x, times = 5) # 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, ... y
Repeat elements in vector:
<- c(1,2,3)
x <- rep(x, each = 2) # 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 y
Selecting elements in vectors
- Select first element in sequence
1] # ! not x[0] ! x[
- Selecting first 10 elements in vector
1:10] x[
- Selecting non-missing elements in vector
!is.na(x)] x[
- Selecting all elements, except the first 10
-(1:5)] x[
- Append element
append(fruits, "apple")
- Insert element
append(fruits, "apple", after = 1)
- Delete element
<- fruits[-1] # deletes first element fruits
- Create matrix
matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6), nrow = 3, ncol = 2) # [,1] [,2] # [1,] 1 4 # [2,] 2 5 # [3,] 3 6
- Access matrix element
1,1] my_matrix[
- Access matrix column(s)
2] my_matrix[,c(1,2)] my_matrix[,
- Add rows and columns
You can also use these functions to concatenate matrices
<- rbind(my_matrix, c(7,8)) # add row my_matrix <- cbind(my_matrix, c(10, 11, 12, 13)) # add column my_matrix
- Create array
array(c(1:8), dim = c(2,2,2)) # , , 1 # # [,1] [,2] # [1,] 1 3 # [2,] 2 4 # # , , 2 # # [,1] [,2] # [1,] 5 7 # [2,] 6 8
Boolean operations | |
create boolean vector | y <- c(10, 12, 15) < 13 # [True, True, False] |
Boolean operators | <, <=, >, >=, ==, != |
and | cond1 & cond2 |
or | cond1 | cond2 |
not | !cond |
element in vector? | 2 %in% c(1,2,3,4) |
identical | identical(my_matrix, my_matrix2) |
If logical vectors are used in arithmetic operations, False
becomes 0
, True
becomes 1
- Missing values
!: Operations with missing values return missing values.
Checking for missing values: is.na(x)
or is.nan(x)
= Not a number)
Assign value only to elements where condition is true:
is.na(x)] <- 0 x[
Characters | |
Character string | "..." |
Escape character | \ |
New line | \n |
Tab | \t |
length of string | nchar(str) |
Is seq of chars in string? | grepl("Hello") |
combine two strings | paste("Hello", "world") |
Concatenate arguments 1 by 1 as characters: paste(c("X", "Y", "Z"), 1:3, sep="_")
Operations on number | |
Absolute value | abs(x) |
round up to next int | ceiling(x) |
round down to next int | floor(x) |
Exponent | ^ |
Modulus / remainder | 10 %% 3 # 1 |
Integer division | 10 %/% 3 # 3 |
- Force integer creation
<- 100L # must end with L x
- Convert types
<- as.numeric(b) a <- as.integer(m) n <- as.complex(x) y
- Get type of variable
<- 10.5 x class(x) # numeric
Contrary to matrices, the different columns of data frames can contain different data types.
- Construct data frame
<- data.frame ( Data_Frame Training = c("Strength", "Stamina", "Other"), Pulse = c(100, 150, 120), Duration = c(60, 30, 45) )
Functions on dataframes | |
Rename columns | colnames(my_data) <- c("col1", "col2", "col3") |
Get summary statistics on columns | summary(my_df) |
Access column | my_df[1] or my_df[["col1_name"]] or my_df$col1_name |
Add row, column | rbind(my_df, c(7,8)) , cbind(my_df, c(10, 11)) |
Remove first row, column | my_df[-c(1), ] , my_df[ ,-c(1)] |
Select row with max value of col1 | rownames(df)[which.max(df$col1)] |
Factors are used to store categorical data. I.e. every data point is assigned a category or level.
- Create factor
- ```R sports <- factor(c(“football”, “tennis”, “football”, “swimming”, “swimming”))
- Access the categories/levels
<- levels(sports) sports_cats
- Hardcoding / predefining levels
<- factor(c("football", "tennis", "football", "swimming"), levels = c("football", "tennis", "swimming")) sports
Now you cannot assign a value to the factor anymore that is not in levels.
Control structures
- If … else …
if (b > a) { ...else if { } ... else { } ... }
- While loops
while(i < n+1){ <- i+1 i if (x < 0) { break # exit loop prematurely else if (x == 0) { } next # skip to next iteration } ... }
- For loops
<- c("banana", "apples", "cucumbers") fruits for (fruit in fruits) { print(fruit) }
- Create function
<- function(first_name, last_name = "") { my_func print(paste("Hello", first_name, last_name)) return(paste(first_name, last_name)) }
- Call function:
Installing Packages
- Install the package
- Load the installed package