
This is a collection of my cheatsheets. Feel free to use them. If you want to edit them, to your own needs: Pleae visit my Github-Repo, give it a star and clone it.

Title Description Categories
Ansible Ansible is a task and infrastructure automation tool. It is agentless. Cloud, Infrastructure as Code
Azure ML Azure ML is the machine learning service of the Azure Cloud Platform.  
Bash Bash is a command line tool and language. CLI, tool
Conda Conda is a package and virtual environment manager. tool, CLI, package manager, virtual environments
Dart Dart is a new programming language by Google, mainly used for app development. language
Dplyr Dplyr is a data transformation library in the collection Tidyverse. language, data science
Flutter Flutter is a cross-plattform app-development framework based on dart. app development, web development
GCP: gcloud CLI Gcloud CLI is the command line interface of the Google Cloud Platform.  
Git Git is a version control system mostly used for code. CLI, tool, versioning
OpenShift OpenShift is a platform based on Kubernetes to host and manage applications in containers.  
Pandas Pandas is a python library for data wrangling and data cleaning. framework, python, data science
Pip Pip is the official python package manager CLI, tool, package manager
Poetry Poetry is a package builder, dependency and virtual environment manager for python. python, tool, CLI, package manager, virtual environments
Powershell Powershell is the major command line tool for windows CLI, tool
Python Design Patterns Python is one of the most popular programming languages. language
Python basics Python is one of the most popular programming languages. language
Quarto Quarto is a publishing tool that allows you to render markdown documents into websites, documents and presentations. tool, web development
R basics R is a programming language that is specialized in statistical analysis. language, data science
R plotting R has powerful builtin plotting capabilities language, data science
Splunk processing language (SPL) This is the language you need to use to query splunk logs. language
Tidymodels Tidymodels is a collection of packages for machine learning. It is part of the tidyverse. language, data science
VS Code Visual studio code is one of the most popular code editors. IDE, short-cuts
Venv Venv is the built-in virtual environment manager for python. tool, CLI, virtual environments
ruff A fast Python linter, that contains tons of rules from flake8, pycodestyle, pep and black CLI, tool, code quality
uv uv is a Python package manager with additional features for managing Python versions, scripts, projects, and tools. CLI, tool, package manager
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